There are 15 houses under construction in Rajagiri. None of them have started. Only “Thumbapani” for the moment. There are people involved in pulling the weed out and gathering grass for their animals. Once we start the house construction, we will go very fast. A lot of construction materials to be bought and transported to the site. A lot of cleaning to be done over the site. The houses are meant for the people living on the top of the hills. They will be asked to come down and to occupy the houses. If anyone is unwilling to occupy the house assigned, it will be given to the person next in line. We hope nobody will take this alternative. The house is free and no cost involved. The houses are to be constructed on the recuperated land that is going to be built surrounding the house. There is going to be a wall that is to be built on one side of the land that is claimed and recuperated. The houses are going to be assigned according to lottery.